Sheba campaign by AMV BBDO shows food is a cat's true desire

The work includes two films, static posters, billboards and digital out-of-home elements.

Abbot Mead Vickers BBDO’s latest campaign for Mars Petcare’s premium cat food Sheba shows cat owners learning that food – not toys – is the way to their pet’s heart.

The next instalment of the Resistance is Futile brand platform includes two 20-second films, “Robot” and “Fish”, both of which were released today (29 May).

The ads were directed by Grandmas through Academy Films and created by Ben Smith and Dan Kennard.

In each film, a toy is introduced to the Sheba brand mascot, a Russian Blue cat, which entirely ignores the gift. As the owner gazes into the cat’s eyes, its pupil transforms into a bowl of Sheba and the owner learns what the cat really desires.

The films will also run in 15-second and six-second versions on social media.

Fernanda Berti Crepaldi, European brand manager at Sheba, said: “We know pet parents are looking to emotionally connect with their cats, and they are prepared to give them anything they want to enjoy a magnetic moment of connection.”

In addition to the films, the campaign also incorporates static posters, billboards and digital out-of-home work featuring photography of bored-looking cats by Dan Burn-Forti.

Smith and Kennard, the creative team behind the work, said: "While cat parents may shower their pets with toys, treats and gifts in a bid to win their affection, our campaign humorously reveals that all they truly want is Sheba.

"We celebrate the hilarity in the lengths we go to ‘give in’ because, ultimately, nothing feels better than knowing we’ve given our cats what they want.”


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