The ‘No Love Like It’ campaign by AMV BBDO centers on private scenes of family carers

Incontinence brand Tena has presented the unvarnished reality of caregiving behind closed doors.

In a spot from AMV BBDO titled ‘No Love Like It’, viewers are given access to private scenes of family carers, highlighting the role played by an estimated one in 10 people, according to figures by Carers UK, who selflessly tend to a loved one.

Working in partnership with the charity the campaign celebrates those who step up to the challenge, following Tena’s research that half of those performing care duties do not classify themselves as a carer, missing out on potential support. Pulling no punches in its depiction of the challenges of incontinence the campaign opens a window to the daily joy, pain and love of people like Becs who cares for her elderly mother.

 Balancing out the sacrifices with the rewards of caring the work brings to light the full spectrum of emotion, rewards and challenges which take place behind closed doors, as well as the support Tena provides. 

Ben Smith and Dan Kennard, from AMV BBDO, said: “We went into this process with a preconceived idea of what caring was. But by following the lives of real carers we witnessed the patience, the humor, and ultimately the empathy they show, and gained a new perspective. We hope the film can do the same for others.”

 Running across Europe and Canada on TV, video on demand, social, in-store and online, the timely message is informed by Tena research that 47% worry about taking care of a loved one in the future. This anxiety causes 29% to shrink from discussing the difficult subject with those they hold dearest.

Tena's fearless embrace of social taboos has also seen it produce a series of ‘powerful’ ads focused on menopause.


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